

Dacke Industri is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Bengt-Erik Karlberg as the new CEO of Swedrive AB, effective February 1st, 2023.

With 25 years of experience as CEO of companies in several industries, such as subcontractors to the automotive industry, vegetation technology for urban development, and the construction and real estate industry, Bengt-Erik has for more than 15 years developed Veg Tech AB in vegetation technology solutions to today being a subsidiary within Nordic Waterproofing, listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

Bengt-Erik has a long background within the manufacturing industry and most recently comes from Rappgo AB, where he was CEO. With a background as a Development Engineer and a reserve officer in the Air Force, the key ambition throughout his professional career has always been to create added value through organic growth combined with acquisitions, performed together with committed and driven employees.

Bengt-Erik Karlberg, CEO of Swedrive AB said: “Swedrive has a unique competence and product mix, combined with a strong owner, so it will be exciting to become part of the team on the continued journey.”

“With Bengt-Erik onboard as CEO of Swedrive, we will continue to strengthen the relationship with our customers and partners and create further opportunities to increase the pace of organic growth. Through his previous experience and knowledge, we are strengthening our industrial competence where we create sustainable, profitable growth.” Says Lars Fredin, Group CEO at Dacke Industri and Chairman of Swedrive AB.